Source code for inferno.utils.model_utils

import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable
from .exceptions import assert_, NotTorchModuleError, ShapeError

[docs]def is_model_cuda(model): try: return next(model.parameters()).is_cuda except StopIteration: # Assuming that if a network has no parameters, it doesn't use CUDA return False
[docs]class ModelTester(object): def __init__(self, input_shape, expected_output_shape): self._is_cuda = False self.input_shape = input_shape self.expected_output_shape = expected_output_shape
[docs] def cuda(self): self._is_cuda = True return self
[docs] def get_input(self): if not self._is_cuda: return Variable(torch.rand(*self.input_shape), requires_grad=False, volatile=True) else: return Variable(torch.rand(*self.input_shape).cuda(), requires_grad=False, volatile=True)
def __call__(self, model): # Make sure model is a model assert_(isinstance(model, torch.nn.Module), "Model is not a torch module.", NotTorchModuleError) # Transfer to cuda if required if not is_model_cuda(model) and self._is_cuda: model.cuda() input_ = self.get_input() output = model(input_) assert_(list(output.size()) == list(self.expected_output_shape), "Expected output shape {} for input shape {}, " "got output of shape {} instead.".format(list(self.expected_output_shape), list(self.input_shape), list(output.size())), ShapeError) return model
[docs]class MultiscaleModelTester(ModelTester): def __call__(self, model): # Make sure model is a model assert_(isinstance(model, torch.nn.Module), "Model is not a torch module.", NotTorchModuleError) # Transfer to cuda if required if not is_model_cuda(model) and self._is_cuda: model.cuda() input_ = self.get_input() output = model(input_) assert_(isinstance(output, tuple), "Expect tuple output") for scale in range(len(output)): assert_(list(output[scale].size()) == list(self.expected_output_shape[scale]), "Expected output shape {} for input shape {}, " "got output of shape {} instead.".format(list(self.expected_output_shape[scale]), list(self.input_shape), list(output[scale].size())), ShapeError) return model